
Major Website Update

Howdy everyone. It's been a short minute since I updated the blog page on my website. Well, it's been more than a short minute. It's been a few years.

So, here I am letting you know the following information:

New Links: Don't worry.  The Boise Traffic Camera Page is live and is gaining support on the official Facebook page of the network (Click Here) - it's celebrating it's 10-year anniversary since it was originally made for assistance with Boise Traffic. 

Audio Projects: I have been offering my services to Fun Tower Radio and also Limerick City Community Radio with their 80's Mixtape broadcasts with Dave O'Neill, Justyn Snyder, Michele P. Rousseau, and Ryan "So Cool" Gokool. 

I've also been doing a weekly show for Fun Tower Radio called "At the Cross." If you have not heard of the program, please click on the FTR Mixcloud page link on the website, and the previous shows are on my Mixcloud link as well. Let me know what you think. 

Also, I have been doing some Voice Artist work with a few people, and so I'm considering making a special voice artist page, but there are different methods of offering my services, and I will be working on those. However, if you need a reliable voice, let me know by sending me an e-mail.

* Future Projects:  

    * To become the official announcer for the Spirit of Boise Balloon Classic and potentially for the Walla Walla Balloon Stampede this year. [Status Pending]

Thank you for stopping in. More news later.
